Oklahoma offers an incentive with a base of 20% to projects that film principal photography in the state. For more information, please see below and the additional tabs in this section.
Projects approved for the Filmed in Oklahoma Act may receive a rebate of 20-38%, depending on which available percentage uplift opportunities the project qualifies for.
Available uplifts are outlined below:
20% Base Incentive
3% Rural County Uplift
25% filmed on location in a county less than 250,000 people: 3% uplift
*NOTE: For your days to count as being filmed in a rural county, you must be filming on location, excluding soundstage production, in a rural county.
2% Small Municipality Uplift*
25% filmed on location in a municipality less than 13,000 people: 2% uplift
*NOTE: For your days to count as being filmed in a rural municipality, you must be filming on location, excluding soundstage production, in a rural municipality.
5% Soundstage Uplift
25% filmed at a certified soundstage facility: 5% uplift*
*In order to meet either of the certified soundstage uplifts, 1% of direct expenditures must be spent at the soundstage in addition to meeting the minimum filming percentage threshold.
2% / 5% TV Uplift
2% for a pilot or 5% for a season
If a pilot is part of a multi-film deal, the project can qualify for the multi-film 5%, but cannot also receive the pilot 2%
5% Multi-Film Deal Uplift
5% if multi-film deal
3% Post-Production Uplift
If at least 3% of qualified expenditures spent on Oklahoma post-production: 3% uplift
Application Timeline:
To be eligible for the Filmed in Oklahoma Act rebate program, a project must meet all of the eligibility and benchmark requirements as outlined in the Administrative Rules. For projects with a budget of less than $7.5 Million, OFMO will review and notify applicants of approval and denial according to the schedule outlined below:
*NOTE: Projects with a budget of at least $7.5 Million will be reviewed and awarded or denied on an ongoing basis.
If a project is awarded conditional prequalification, there are three benchmarks leading up to principal photography where the production must submit documentation as specified in the Administrative Rules.
Prior to paying salaries or wages to a production company’s employee in Oklahoma, the production must submit a certificate of workers’ compensation insurance with limits pursuant to Oklahoma Law.
45 days before principal photography the production must submit:
This is the last day that a project can submit an eligibility application
50% proof of funding for the full production budget
30 days before principal photography the production must submit:
100% proof of funding for the full production budget
Current one-line schedule
Updated script (if applicable)
10 days before principal photography the production must submit:
A certificate of general liability insurance with a minimum limit of $1,000,000 in coverage (or a binder for such with a state date no later than the estimated Start of Pre-Production)
A certificate of automobile liability insurance with minimums of $250,000/500,000/250,000 coverage (or a binder for such with a state date no later than the estimated Start of Pre-Production) OR certification that no employee of the Production will drive an automobile as part of the Production
During principal photography a production must include members of OF+MO on the daily call sheet distribution list.
Within 90 days of completion of the production (or the last qualified expenditure, if later), the production must submit their final application on the OF+MO website.
All Oklahoma Expatriate Crew Members are required to fill out a declaration of Expatriate Status Form. Click here to download this form. For information about collecting documents to prove Oklahoma Resident status of crew members, please contact the third-party CPA that your production is using for the final rebate review. OF+MO no longer oversees crew member proof of Oklahoma residency and does not have a residency form mandated by our office. It is up to each production’s CPA to determine which documents they will need the production to supply for each crew member to sufficiently prove residency.
For more information and application forms, go to https://okfilmmusic.org/incentives.