The Crackle comedy series “Fairwood” has completed 10 days of filming on Boiling Point Studios’ LED Virtual Production Studio in Oklahoma City.
This was the first series filmed on the state-of-the-art system which integrates virtual sets and special effects into live-action shots, transforming the production of films, TV shows and commercials.
"Fairwood” follows two talk show hosts as they navigate local political and corporate hijinks, brotherly competition and their ongoing search for love and happiness.
“Our LED Virtual Production Studio makes high-end capabilities available to a wider range of productions,” said Ryan Bellgardt, owner and operator of Boiling Point.
“Boiling Point is committed to delivering state of the art in movie and TV technology to productions in Oklahoma.”
The show features country music legend Pam Tillis as well as Steve Richard and Tim Mauldin. The series has been recognized as a Screen Actors Guild (SAG) production.
The release date for season two of "Fairwood" has not been determined.
Boiling Point Media is a film studio in Oklahoma City committed to creating iconic cinema films and series. The film-production company provides award-winning visual effects, animation and post-production services for projects ranging from independent films to international releases. To learn more, visit